Rock Climbing
Hearing the words Rock Climbing (rock climbing), we as a species introduced to new sports. Really we do not yet know him? Maybe we still remembers his childhood was, how happy we are playing, climbing walls, trees, or boulders, where we do not think the risk of falls and injury, that there is a sense of joy. Rock Climbing activities are not actually far from it, only this time we have chosen a particular field by thinking resikonya.Pada Rock Climbing is essentially part of Mountaineering (mountain climbing activities, an adventure travel to high places), here we deal only specialized field. By distinguishing regional or impassable terrain, Mountaineering can be divided into: Hill Walking, Rock Climbing and Ice / Snow Climbing. Hill Walking is an ordinary journey through a series of woods and hills armed with the knowledge map / compass and survival. Leg strength was the main factor the success of a journey. For Rock Climbing, facing the field in the form of hills or cliffs where the hand has required assistance to maintain the balance of the body or to add height. Ice / Snow Climbing is almost the same as with Rock Climbing, but the terrain is hilly or cliff facing the ice / snow. Sometimes questions will arise in us, like this: Why do mountain-climbing? George L. Mallory (British climber) to answer this question by saying, Because its there .. Then another question, What did you get there? A great climber, Reinhold Messner said: The mountains tell you, quite ruthlessly, WHO you are, and what you are. Mountaineering is a game you cannot cheat Nowhere ..., more than that, whats Important is your nerves cool determination, and knowing how to make the right choice.Olahraga like this is delicious, and perhaps a little selfish. All the comforts at the time we finish a difficult field is our own, no cheering, especially kalungan medals. Conversely, the existence of a climbing accident was due to our own negligence, carelessness, and underestimates the ability of self. Many climbers who do go down the cliff (rappeling / abseiling) with jumps and very fast, this is very dangerous. To us, you should consider the activities of rock climbing as a hobby, like other hobbies. As an illustration we can see the words of Walter Bonatti, a veteran climber from Italy, during a solo climb on the wall melakukakn terrible in Switzerland. 90 derajat), sebuah pesawat mengitarinya yang rupanya mencarinya." onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">When he was facing difficulties through the overhang (wall hanging with a slope> 90 degrees), a plane circled, apparently looking for him. The presence of the plane hit his solitude: Who said that they saw me?, I think and feel that the aircraft are part of me, which is now left and tore my heart. I began to realize that I would prefer if there was absolute silence. Everything that happens in a short time earlier as it were the final attempt to connect myself with the life that has no more meaning for me. The plane circled and then leave me like mati.Akhirnya, let us try to be more familiar with rock climbing which was delicious. In this paper, the discussion is limited to discussion of rock climbing, with not discourage others, Hill Walking and Ice / Snow Climbing.II. Climbing CLASSIFICATION The classification of rock climbing there are two distinctions, namely: 1. The first distinction is between the Artificial Climbing.Free Free Climbing Climbing is a type of climbing where the climbers add height by using the capabilities within themselves, not with the help of tools. In Free Climbing, only limited use of safety equipment, not as a tool to add height. The difference with Artificial Climbing, where not only used as a safety tool, also serves to increase the height. 2. The second distinction is between Climbing.Sport Adventure Sport Climbing with a climbing Climbing is more emphasis on exercise factor. In Sport Climbing, climbing is seen as well as other sports, namely to maintain health. While at the Adventure Climbing, the emphasis was more on the value petualangannya.III. CLASS AND GRADE IN KelasSeperti Climbing in any other sport, one athlete can be measured ability at some level the match. Elorating chess players with under 2000 will not be able to follow the tournament Gand Master level. In rock climbing the cliffs there are classifications based on degree of difficulty, so we can measure how far our capabilities. Classes are created by the Sierra Club are: Class 1: Cross Country HikingPerjalanan usual without requiring assistance to climb hand / add ketinggian.Kelas 2: ScramblingSedikit with the help of hands, without tali.Kelas 3: Easy ClimbingSecara scrambling to help, basic climbing techniques (climbing ) is very helpful, for the less experienced climbers can use tali.Kelas 4: Rope Climbing with belayingBelay (safety) is installed on an anchor (mooring point) natural or artificial, functioning as 5Kelas pengaman.Kelas is divided into 11 levels (5.1 to 5:14) , where the higher the numbers behind the numbers 5, means the higher the difficulty level of the cliff. In this class, runners used as pengaman.Kelas AUntuk add height, a climber must use a tool. Divided into five levels (A1 to A5). Example: On a cliff 5.4 can not be skipped class without the help of tools A2, the level of difficulty of cliff 5.4 - A2.GradeMerupakan size of the required number of climbing techniques. Factors that are difficult route and bad weather can add weight to a higher grade. For example, climbing 5.7 grade low and close to the highway, probably will have a grade I (one). Distribution of grades is as follows.
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